“A zillion ways to be more creative no matter how busy you are“ Danny Gregory

The Critic
The inner critic may get on your case about wasting valuable time when there are more important things to do. I tell you it get’s on my nerves at times ! However, greet that fearful, judgmental, negative or angry voice with kindness, gratitude and respect. It’s only trying to save you from failure, outward criticism, embarrassment or disappointment, after all.
Danny calls it the “ Big Problem: Time “. Time is always in shot supply. However, I have discovered that making art makes me saner and happier, and you really don’t need to think you have “talent” to make art.
When you don’t have much time, choose the simplest of materials or tools. I keep a mechanical pencil handy. It never needs sharpening, and it has its own soft, white eraser if I need it. An ink pen is often my tool of choice, and I can add color later if I wish. A single colored pencil is a great fast-sketching tool. I often use a 90% Grey Prismacolor pencil, but Indigo, Black Raspberry or even red can give you a wonderfully exciting vibration.
Make the Environment Work
A quick sketch can happen anywhere . For me it could be while on a day trip or even in a cafe. It could be my car, while waiting for my daughter outside her school. My glove box lid makes a fine sketching table as I try out several different approaches in the time I have available. An old calligraphy pen works well for this one, as do the watercolors I always keep in the car.

The Art Effect
Quoting the author:
“It’s ironic that people speak of artists as dreamers. I think they are the most grounded people around. Conscious and present. As an artist, you really see life, connect with its beauty, and create something that shares those observations with others. You notice things.
Excerpt From: Danny Gregory. “Art Before Breakfast”.
That sort of consciousness needs to be worked at. You need to make a habit of seeing, connecting with, and commenting on the everyday. And you need to do it every day, if even for a handful of minutes.”
My City as I see It

Steps to Develop Creative Habits

In his book “Art Before Breakfast” Danny Gregory outlines some simple ways of including a little bit of art in your day to day life.
- Do something creative every day.
- Comit to doing this, for the next 30 days.
- Don’t go crazy with art supply at first.
- Be consistant.
- Skip perfection.
- Get a drawing buddy.
- Read this book.
- Draw your Breakfast.
Books on Urban Sketching
Sketching books by Felix Scheinberger, Stephani Bower and Danny Gregory to mention a few. Their books are a constant source of inspiration.
The Aha Moment!

It’s time to flip back through the pages of your sketchbook and see how far you’ve traveled.
You have achieved some amazing things in the spare moments between appointments and chores, haven’t you? You’ve learned how to draw, how to paint, how to see the world. But most of all, I hope that you have learned to see yourself and your time differently. That you have learned how much you can create and how great it makes you feel.
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Good one 👍
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